Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Homeless in Iraq

Bad enough that we treat with such disrespect and disregard refugees and asylum seekers who seek protection and safety here (in the US), in Australia, in the UK, and in other affluent countries as they flee from the same wars that we've had a hand in starting. Bad enough that homelessness is out of control and yet continues to be ignored on the streets of the "great" cities of this "developed" country.
But to create conditions that cause displacement and homelessness in another country, and then deny that too?!
Bravo Bush. Brav-fuckin-o.
(see below...)

"There has been an abject denial of the impact, the humanitarian impact, of the war, the huge displacement within Iraq of up to 1.9 million people who are homeless because of the war, and those people who are homeless and never got back to the homes after Saddam Hussein was overthrown."
- UNHCR spokesperson Peter Kessler, as cited by the BBC, on the Iraqi refugee and IDP crisis.

Syria says it is home to 1.2 million Iraqi refugees, with up to 800,000 in Jordan. Damascus has repeatedly called for help to deal with the problem. On top of that, almost 2 million more people are displaced inside Iraq - people who have fled their homes to escape the violence. Kessler said the international community had to step in to help address their food, health and education needs.

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